Daycare in Waterdown

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Raman K.
1 Verification
  • From $20 /hr
  • Waterdown
1 Verification
Seva day care. Thank you for reading the above
| Welcome to my page SEVA DAYCARE! My name is Raman mother of two daughters. I have 25 years of experience caring for kids. I have decided to retire from the outside world of work and start my own business. My vision is to create a welcoming safe place for children where they learn small but important details as young children. Colours Alphabet Number Objects This is a daycare where children will grow and learn alongside play and exercise their brain in a fun way .
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  • From $20 /hr
  • Waterdown
Seva day care. Thank you for reading the above
| Welcome to my page SEVA DAYCARE! My name is Raman mother of two daughters. I have 25 years of experience caring for kids. I have decided to retire from the outside world of work and start my own business. My vision is to create a welcoming safe place for children where they learn small but important details as young children. Colours Alphabet Number Objects This is a daycare where children will grow and learn alongside play and exercise their brain in a fun way .
... more
From $20 per hour \
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Daycare in Waterdown

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