Senior Care in Waterdown

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Dan S.
  • From $35 /hr
  • Waterdown
A friendly smile with positive attitude and a strong arm to help for support
| As a youth growing up in the industry till my early 20’s working alongside of the elders to mentally challenged to psychiatric people with most of daily chores and life skills to perp meal to shaving older men going shopping with them helping them sending to doctors appointments and schedule to follow. So I’m currently looking to find several people who are looking to be self motivated and looking for a great laugh who needs a little helping hand to help out on a regular basis.
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  • From $35 /hr
  • Waterdown
A friendly smile with positive attitude and a strong arm to help for support
| As a youth growing up in the industry till my early 20’s working alongside of the elders to mentally challenged to psychiatric people with most of daily chores and life skills to perp meal to shaving older men going shopping with them helping them sending to doctors appointments and schedule to follow. So I’m currently looking to find several people who are looking to be self motivated and looking for a great laugh who needs a little helping hand to help out on a regular basis.
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From $35 per hour \
Cheryl P.
1 Verification
  • From $20 /hr
  • Waterdown
1 Verification
RPN looking for weekend and evening opportunities
| I am a RPN with over 4 years experience in geriatric care. I currently work at a Diabetic Foot Clinic full time, but missed the opportunities of care with an older population.
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  • From $20 /hr
  • Waterdown
RPN looking for weekend and evening opportunities
| I am a RPN with over 4 years experience in geriatric care. I currently work at a Diabetic Foot Clinic full time, but missed the opportunities of care with an older population.
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From $20 per hour \
Donna M.
  • From $20 /hr
  • Waterdown
Kindness can transform a dark moment with a blaze of light.
| I took care of my father for many years who lived with Parkinson's Disease. I'm a great cook and love baking too. I'm a meticulous cleaner. I enjoy playing cards/board games and a great conversation. I'm happy to do whatever helps!
... more
  • From $20 /hr
  • Waterdown
Kindness can transform a dark moment with a blaze of light.
| I took care of my father for many years who lived with Parkinson's Disease. I'm a great cook and love baking too. I'm a meticulous cleaner. I enjoy playing cards/board games and a great conversation. I'm happy to do whatever helps!
... more
From $20 per hour \
Andrea C.
  • From $20 /hr
  • Waterdown
Spending group time or one on one time with the elderly and them smile is what it’s about.
| I went to college for Recreational Leaderhsip and I spent 2 years volunteering at a senior centre in Grimsby. I enjoyed planing day trips, games and exercise with the residents. Before I would leave I would have some fun time by just talking to a few of the residents. I have experience in how to handle residents with dementia, since I had a few residents with this aliment and my father had dementia for 20 years before he passed. I love being around elderly people and making them smile and enjoy life instead of just sitting there doing nothing. Hearing the residents talk and tell life stories is an added bonus.
... more
  • From $20 /hr
  • Waterdown
Spending group time or one on one time with the elderly and them smile is what it’s about.
| I went to college for Recreational Leaderhsip and I spent 2 years volunteering at a senior centre in Grimsby. I enjoyed planing day trips, games and exercise with the residents. Before I would leave I would have some fun time by just talking to a few of the residents. I have experience in how to handle residents with dementia, since I had a few residents with this aliment and my father had dementia for 20 years before he passed. I love being around elderly people and making them smile and enjoy life instead of just sitting there doing nothing. Hearing the residents talk and tell life stories is an added bonus.
... more
From $20 per hour \
1 Verification
  • From $16 /hr
  • Waterdown
1 Verification
Sandwich Generation Caregiver
| Hi My name is Rina just started working as caregiver February 1st, 2022 after being in office environment for the past 34 years. I realize my purpose in life is working with senior as a caregiver. As I missed out with my own parents do being in a sandwich generation at the time rising my kids. I dealt with Parkinson disease, Alzheimer and cancer with my parents. My goal is to help families that are dealing elderly parents. Also, started as a hospice volunteer. Thank you, Rina
... more
  • From $16 /hr
  • Waterdown
Sandwich Generation Caregiver
| Hi My name is Rina just started working as caregiver February 1st, 2022 after being in office environment for the past 34 years. I realize my purpose in life is working with senior as a caregiver. As I missed out with my own parents do being in a sandwich generation at the time rising my kids. I dealt with Parkinson disease, Alzheimer and cancer with my parents. My goal is to help families that are dealing elderly parents. Also, started as a hospice volunteer. Thank you, Rina
... more
From $16 per hour \
Did you know...
The average hourly rate for senior caregivers in Waterdown is between $20 and $26
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Senior Care in Waterdown

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