Daycare in Shuniah

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Caitlin B.
  • From $22 /hr
  • Shuniah
Experienced child care provider offering in-home child care
| Hi my name is Caitlin, I have 3 beautiful kids and am devoted to being a mother. My vision is to connect with a family where I can provide in home child care with my sons accompanying me. My background is Culinary Management and Outdoor Recreation. I ran a home child care called Tiny Toad for 1 yr. and co-owned and managed a cafe called La Luna Cafe for 6 yrs. I have completed my Waldorf Foundations training with the Northern Lights School and am trained in Kundalini yoga and Reiki. Yummy, nutritious food, nature based play & honouring a childs unique needs are important to me. Creating a space where kids can learn, explore and feel safe to express themselves is part of my philosophy. I am available Monday to Thursday 10am to 3pm. My baby S would be accompanying me Mon-Thurs and my older son A would be accompanying me Wednesdays & Thursdays. Healthy living is important to me, so connecting with a household that doesn't use strong scented soaps or chemical air freshers is a must. Thank you for taking the time to read my profile, if this resonates with you please reach out. I look forward to being of service.
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  • From $22 /hr
  • Shuniah
Experienced child care provider offering in-home child care
| Hi my name is Caitlin, I have 3 beautiful kids and am devoted to being a mother. My vision is to connect with a family where I can provide in home child care with my sons accompanying me. My background is Culinary Management and Outdoor Recreation. I ran a home child care called Tiny Toad for 1 yr. and co-owned and managed a cafe called La Luna Cafe for 6 yrs. I have completed my Waldorf Foundations training with the Northern Lights School and am trained in Kundalini yoga and Reiki. Yummy, nutritious food, nature based play & honouring a childs unique needs are important to me. Creating a space where kids can learn, explore and feel safe to express themselves is part of my philosophy. I am available Monday to Thursday 10am to 3pm. My baby S would be accompanying me Mon-Thurs and my older son A would be accompanying me Wednesdays & Thursdays. Healthy living is important to me, so connecting with a household that doesn't use strong scented soaps or chemical air freshers is a must. Thank you for taking the time to read my profile, if this resonates with you please reach out. I look forward to being of service.
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From $22 per hour \
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Daycare in Shuniah

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