Daycare in Rothesay

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Jaclyn M.
1 Verification
  • From $12 /hr
  • Rothesay
1 Verification
Home Away from Home!
| Are you looking for a Home Away from Home for your child/ren? I am a Mom to 2 little girls ages 7 and 3. I have 2 Fulltime spots available ASAP. I live in the Rothesay area and within walking distance to a playground. I accept early drop offs (630am) and my pick up time is 530pm. We have lots of fun during the day just being kids! I can provide references from the other parents I mind for for peace of mind! I provide all snacks and lunches so all you have to worry about is getting to work on time! If I sound like I could be your person, please feel free to contact me! I hope to meet you and your child/ren soon!
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  • From $12 /hr
  • Rothesay
Home Away from Home!
| Are you looking for a Home Away from Home for your child/ren? I am a Mom to 2 little girls ages 7 and 3. I have 2 Fulltime spots available ASAP. I live in the Rothesay area and within walking distance to a playground. I accept early drop offs (630am) and my pick up time is 530pm. We have lots of fun during the day just being kids! I can provide references from the other parents I mind for for peace of mind! I provide all snacks and lunches so all you have to worry about is getting to work on time! If I sound like I could be your person, please feel free to contact me! I hope to meet you and your child/ren soon!
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From $12 per hour \
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Daycare in Rothesay

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