Daycare in Richmond Hill

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When do you need child care?
Farzad N.
  • From $20 /hr
  • Richmond Hill
Responsible, honest, experienced, knowledge, skills,,educated, kind, good character.liking children.
| Educated, experienced, responsible, having knowledge, and skills, worked in children's wards in different hospitals and clinics.
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  • From $20 /hr
  • Richmond Hill
Responsible, honest, experienced, knowledge, skills,,educated, kind, good character.liking children.
| Educated, experienced, responsible, having knowledge, and skills, worked in children's wards in different hospitals and clinics.
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From $20 per hour \
Beyond stars
  • From $50 /hr
  • Richmond Hill
Beyond stars home daycare
| Welcome to Beyond the stars Home Daycare! Location Bantry and Yonge! I focus on all aspects including language, self-help skills, socialization, and motor development. I Provide safe, loving, and maturing child ####.#### healthy snacks! My name is Ebony I am an ECA/ECE with tons of experience Being a nanny,placements and I am CPR-C/Bronze Cross certified. I will be running a small home daycare from my home with the max a of 5 children.
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  • From $50 /hr
  • Richmond Hill
Beyond stars home daycare
| Welcome to Beyond the stars Home Daycare! Location Bantry and Yonge! I focus on all aspects including language, self-help skills, socialization, and motor development. I Provide safe, loving, and maturing child ####.#### healthy snacks! My name is Ebony I am an ECA/ECE with tons of experience Being a nanny,placements and I am CPR-C/Bronze Cross certified. I will be running a small home daycare from my home with the max a of 5 children.
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From $50 per hour \
Farzad N.
1 Verification
  • From $16 /hr
  • Richmond Hill
1 Verification
Medical practitioner
| Work in different hospital, care about children especially family children.
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  • From $16 /hr
  • Richmond Hill
Medical practitioner
| Work in different hospital, care about children especially family children.
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From $16 per hour \
Maryam B.
  • From $20 /hr
  • Richmond Hill
Baby sitter or day care
| Self control and patience Excellent communication Creative thinking Compassion and empathy Love spending time with children
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  • From $20 /hr
  • Richmond Hill
Baby sitter or day care
| Self control and patience Excellent communication Creative thinking Compassion and empathy Love spending time with children
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From $20 per hour \
Jomelyn A.
  • From $15 /hr
  • Richmond Hill
An Early Childhood Education student with dedication and passion in handling little children.
| I am originally from the Philippines and I just arrived here in Canada last Aug. 06, 2023 as a student visa holder. I came here to study in Early Childhood Education program at Seneca College King Campus. I am a degree holder in my home country where I finished Bachelor of Elementary Education. I even passed the Board Licensure Examination for Professional Teachers in the Philippines. After getting my license, I immediately sought for a job and was successfully hired in a private scholl which is again located in the country where I came from. I was assigned to teach in Grade 1 for four years where I handled 20-30 students with age ranging in 6-7 years old. With my experience working with kids over 4 years, I can assure you that I am perfectly fit with this kind of job for I have already built my dedication, passion, and love in handling children
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  • From $15 /hr
  • Richmond Hill
An Early Childhood Education student with dedication and passion in handling little children.
| I am originally from the Philippines and I just arrived here in Canada last Aug. 06, 2023 as a student visa holder. I came here to study in Early Childhood Education program at Seneca College King Campus. I am a degree holder in my home country where I finished Bachelor of Elementary Education. I even passed the Board Licensure Examination for Professional Teachers in the Philippines. After getting my license, I immediately sought for a job and was successfully hired in a private scholl which is again located in the country where I came from. I was assigned to teach in Grade 1 for four years where I handled 20-30 students with age ranging in 6-7 years old. With my experience working with kids over 4 years, I can assure you that I am perfectly fit with this kind of job for I have already built my dedication, passion, and love in handling children
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From $15 per hour \
Did you know...
The average hourly rate for day caregivers in Richmond Hill is between $18 and $23
Cristiana P.
1 Verification
  • From $20 /hr
  • Richmond Hill
1 Verification
The coolest nanny
| I am a portuguese woman with 15 nephews, I really live kids and I want to help you take café of yours and Connect with them
... more
  • From $20 /hr
  • Richmond Hill
The coolest nanny
| I am a portuguese woman with 15 nephews, I really live kids and I want to help you take café of yours and Connect with them
... more
From $20 per hour \
Tahereh T.
  • From $16 /hr
  • Richmond Hill
I am a qualified and experienced person for taking care of your childs and neonatals.
| I am a registered nurse with 25 years experience in nursing and child care. my major is critical care, master degree. I have been taught about CPR in neonatal child and adults. My experience in neonatal and infant care is about 8 years for manage and take care of them and help and teach their mothers breast feeding. I should manage sick children with fever, vomiting, diarrhea and etc. Mothers have been taught about vaccinstion and other requirments, also their side effects. I know very well about risk and infection symptoms in neonatal and childrens and how should been managed. I also have experience about sichological problems in childs and methods to treat them.
... more
  • From $16 /hr
  • Richmond Hill
I am a qualified and experienced person for taking care of your childs and neonatals.
| I am a registered nurse with 25 years experience in nursing and child care. my major is critical care, master degree. I have been taught about CPR in neonatal child and adults. My experience in neonatal and infant care is about 8 years for manage and take care of them and help and teach their mothers breast feeding. I should manage sick children with fever, vomiting, diarrhea and etc. Mothers have been taught about vaccinstion and other requirments, also their side effects. I know very well about risk and infection symptoms in neonatal and childrens and how should been managed. I also have experience about sichological problems in childs and methods to treat them.
... more
From $16 per hour \
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Daycare in Richmond Hill

When do you need child care?