Daycare in Orangeville

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Tracey P.
  • From $9 /hr
  • Orangeville
I have 10 year's of daycare experience. I am a mother of four children (20 year's experience with children), first aid certified. and 2 year's respite work with a disabled child. I am passionate about doing daycare simply because I love to work with children. I love being able to help teach children new things: for example I do crafts with children teaching them how to colour, how to hold a pencil correctly, teaching them their colours, shapes, letters, numbers and how to print their name. From there I begin to teach the simple words, addition and subtraction. I teach them manners, sharing and respect for others. Children are so innocent and all they want is love and attention and at my daycare that is what I give them.
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  • From $9 /hr
  • Orangeville
I have 10 year's of daycare experience. I am a mother of four children (20 year's experience with children), first aid certified. and 2 year's respite work with a disabled child. I am passionate about doing daycare simply because I love to work with children. I love being able to help teach children new things: for example I do crafts with children teaching them how to colour, how to hold a pencil correctly, teaching them their colours, shapes, letters, numbers and how to print their name. From there I begin to teach the simple words, addition and subtraction. I teach them manners, sharing and respect for others. Children are so innocent and all they want is love and attention and at my daycare that is what I give them.
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From $9 per hour \
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Daycare in Orangeville

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