Daycare in Huntsville

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Liberty Childcare Initiative
  • From $11 /hr
  • Huntsville
High Quality, Premium Montessori Daycare Opening in Huntsville (45/day)
| Liberty Childcare is a premium, innovate home daycare program that focuses on creating meaningful childhood experiences through a Montessori inspired, warm home environment. This program has been developed around the goal of doing things differently and doing them BETTER. The space is set up to encourage independence and responsibility with child level dishwashing/cooking stations, self serve buffet style meals/snacks and much more. We set the stage for learning to happen through various modes of delivery, and then allow the children to lead the way in developing their individual interests. Nature emersion is an important part of the program-We spend tons of time exploring the outdoors, doing ecology activities, and the kids help keep a garden! Lots of other fun activities are available to the children as they progress through various stages of development including butterfly keeping, yoga, hiking, caring for animals, cooking and cultural emersion days!
I am a high energy, dedicated provider with a passion for my work! First aid and vulnerable sectors check completed. Educated in the Montessori Method. Daily Parent communication is maintained through a private daycare app.
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  • From $11 /hr
  • Huntsville
High Quality, Premium Montessori Daycare Opening in Huntsville (45/day)
| Liberty Childcare is a premium, innovate home daycare program that focuses on creating meaningful childhood experiences through a Montessori inspired, warm home environment. This program has been developed around the goal of doing things differently and doing them BETTER. The space is set up to encourage independence and responsibility with child level dishwashing/cooking stations, self serve buffet style meals/snacks and much more. We set the stage for learning to happen through various modes of delivery, and then allow the children to lead the way in developing their individual interests. Nature emersion is an important part of the program-We spend tons of time exploring the outdoors, doing ecology activities, and the kids help keep a garden! Lots of other fun activities are available to the children as they progress through various stages of development including butterfly keeping, yoga, hiking, caring for animals, cooking and cultural emersion days!
I am a high energy, dedicated provider with a passion for my work! First aid and vulnerable sectors check completed. Educated in the Montessori Method. Daily Parent communication is maintained through a private daycare app.
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From $11 per hour \
Fran H.
  • From $20 /hr
  • Huntsville
Mom helping other families with day care issues.
| Hi, My name is Fran, I have two sociable daughters, aged 6 and 4. They are in riverside school. I would love to stay at home with my girls and also look after other children. I am currently struggling to work out day care so I thought, what better way to stay at home, than to help others struggling with day care. I have 6 acres of outside field as well as a play area, chickens and honey bees, perfect for outside time. I have a play room with plenty of toys. I also have a kitten that loves cuddles. I am available to drop off and pick up from school as well as throughout the day. I am available from 8am-5pm negotiable.
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  • From $20 /hr
  • Huntsville
Mom helping other families with day care issues.
| Hi, My name is Fran, I have two sociable daughters, aged 6 and 4. They are in riverside school. I would love to stay at home with my girls and also look after other children. I am currently struggling to work out day care so I thought, what better way to stay at home, than to help others struggling with day care. I have 6 acres of outside field as well as a play area, chickens and honey bees, perfect for outside time. I have a play room with plenty of toys. I also have a kitten that loves cuddles. I am available to drop off and pick up from school as well as throughout the day. I am available from 8am-5pm negotiable.
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From $20 per hour \
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Daycare in Huntsville

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