Special Needs Care in Huntsville

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Jenn W.
  • From $20 /hr
  • Huntsville
ECE graduate with 5 years experience
| I was a nanny twice to 4 children between ages 3-16. I have a child of my own who is 14 months old. I have experience in daycares and schools. I am not registered as an RECE but can be. Can get sector check and able to get updated CPR. Willing to travel Sundridge-Huntsville
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  • From $20 /hr
  • Huntsville
ECE graduate with 5 years experience
| I was a nanny twice to 4 children between ages 3-16. I have a child of my own who is 14 months old. I have experience in daycares and schools. I am not registered as an RECE but can be. Can get sector check and able to get updated CPR. Willing to travel Sundridge-Huntsville
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From $20 per hour \
Alyssa H.
  • From $15 /hr
  • Huntsville
Social services worker
| University undergraduate with skills in community, human services systems, and counselling. My unique range of experiences, such as managing and reviewing medical care plans and corporate files, working with people in need of a variety of care, ages and dynamics, along with my education, have prepared me for a successful career within this field. This variety of experience has allowed me to develop skills in teamwork, communication, motivation, presentation and organizational behaviour. In all instances I have had very positive evaluations and exhibited strong work ethic.
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  • From $15 /hr
  • Huntsville
Social services worker
| University undergraduate with skills in community, human services systems, and counselling. My unique range of experiences, such as managing and reviewing medical care plans and corporate files, working with people in need of a variety of care, ages and dynamics, along with my education, have prepared me for a successful career within this field. This variety of experience has allowed me to develop skills in teamwork, communication, motivation, presentation and organizational behaviour. In all instances I have had very positive evaluations and exhibited strong work ethic.
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From $15 per hour \
Christine R.
1 Verification
  • From $20 /hr
  • Huntsville
1 Verification
Babysitter or Nanny
| I am looking for a babysitting job local to me, preferably in mornings or on weekends. I can working with multiple children. I used to be an EA and I am super comfortable with special needs children as well as I have autism myself. I am a music teaching currently after school, a vocal and acting coach. I can incorporate my work into your child's care. I love cleaning. I'm not the best cook but I care to provide healthy meals. I have my own vehicle and a clean driving record.
... more
  • From $20 /hr
  • Huntsville
Babysitter or Nanny
| I am looking for a babysitting job local to me, preferably in mornings or on weekends. I can working with multiple children. I used to be an EA and I am super comfortable with special needs children as well as I have autism myself. I am a music teaching currently after school, a vocal and acting coach. I can incorporate my work into your child's care. I love cleaning. I'm not the best cook but I care to provide healthy meals. I have my own vehicle and a clean driving record.
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From $20 per hour \
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Special Needs Care in Huntsville

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