Daycare in Grimsby

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Daniella N.
1 Verification
  • From $17 /hr
  • Grimsby
1 Verification
My inhome daycare is a loving, nurturing , encouraging environment that parents can feel good about!
| I have 15+ years experience working with children, including those on the spectrum and those with Downs Syndrome. I went to Humber College for ECED and did my placement in a TDSB daycare. My care includes all meals and snacks. Lots of reading, singing and art. We spend a lot of time outside discovering nature. We do watch TV, but only during in/outtake or on movie day, and it'll always be something family appropriate.
... more
  • From $17 /hr
  • Grimsby
My inhome daycare is a loving, nurturing , encouraging environment that parents can feel good about!
| I have 15+ years experience working with children, including those on the spectrum and those with Downs Syndrome. I went to Humber College for ECED and did my placement in a TDSB daycare. My care includes all meals and snacks. Lots of reading, singing and art. We spend a lot of time outside discovering nature. We do watch TV, but only during in/outtake or on movie day, and it'll always be something family appropriate.
... more
From $17 per hour \
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Daycare in Grimsby

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