Daycare in Beamsville

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Amanda P.
1 Verification
  • From $16 /hr
  • Beamsville
1 Verification
Just a mom looking to help another family out.
| I am a stay at home mom with 2 beautiful daughters aged 1 & 3. I’m still at home and thought I could help another family out. My house is baby proofed and I’m geared to just letting the girls guide me in what they want to play or do. My 3 year old loves to climb and swing and we have an indoor playground in our basement for colder weathers.
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  • From $16 /hr
  • Beamsville
Just a mom looking to help another family out.
| I am a stay at home mom with 2 beautiful daughters aged 1 & 3. I’m still at home and thought I could help another family out. My house is baby proofed and I’m geared to just letting the girls guide me in what they want to play or do. My 3 year old loves to climb and swing and we have an indoor playground in our basement for colder weathers.
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From $16 per hour \
Ellison T.
1 Verification
  • From $23 /hr
  • Beamsville
1 Verification
Home childcare and RECE in beamsville
| Hello, My name is Ellison, I am a registered Early Childhood Educator. I am Registered and in good standing with the College of ECE. I am first aid certified and have a recent police check. I also have many other training experiences that support my continuous learning as a early childhood educator. I am a mom to a 5 year old and have worked in a centre based childcare for the last 12 years. My most recent experience is 5 years in a toddler room, with 10 children ranging in ages 18 months - 2.5 years. I have made the decision to step away from my centre so I can spend more time with mine. But I still have a passion for childcare and I do not want to give that up. My house provided me with a separate living space that I was able to transform into a childcare. The space has a separate entrance, washroom, kitchenette and laundry. I do have some references from parents that I would be willing to share with parents and caregivers. If you would like to come and explore my space or talk more about the program I will be providing, please do not hesitate to reach out.
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  • From $23 /hr
  • Beamsville
Home childcare and RECE in beamsville
| Hello, My name is Ellison, I am a registered Early Childhood Educator. I am Registered and in good standing with the College of ECE. I am first aid certified and have a recent police check. I also have many other training experiences that support my continuous learning as a early childhood educator. I am a mom to a 5 year old and have worked in a centre based childcare for the last 12 years. My most recent experience is 5 years in a toddler room, with 10 children ranging in ages 18 months - 2.5 years. I have made the decision to step away from my centre so I can spend more time with mine. But I still have a passion for childcare and I do not want to give that up. My house provided me with a separate living space that I was able to transform into a childcare. The space has a separate entrance, washroom, kitchenette and laundry. I do have some references from parents that I would be willing to share with parents and caregivers. If you would like to come and explore my space or talk more about the program I will be providing, please do not hesitate to reach out.
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From $23 per hour \
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Daycare in Beamsville

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