Daycare in Edmonton

Select from 1,167 day caregivers near you.

When do you need child care?
Nadine S.
Hired once
  • From $14 /hr
  • Edmonton
Hired once
Home away from Home day home
| I have a day home. Hours of operation is Mon-Fri 6:00 am- 6:00 pm. Supplying nutritious meals and snacks. A loving and friendly home in Jackson Heights dedicated to fostering an environment filled with developmental leaning and exploration. Your child will participate in circle time, arts and crafts, singing and dancing, dress up and so much more. As a parent you'll enjoy open door policy, daily verbal report, weekly written reports, peace of mind. A compassionate day home provider dedicated to you and your little one. I look forward to meeting you and answering all of your questions.
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  • From $14 /hr
  • Edmonton
Home away from Home day home
| I have a day home. Hours of operation is Mon-Fri 6:00 am- 6:00 pm. Supplying nutritious meals and snacks. A loving and friendly home in Jackson Heights dedicated to fostering an environment filled with developmental leaning and exploration. Your child will participate in circle time, arts and crafts, singing and dancing, dress up and so much more. As a parent you'll enjoy open door policy, daily verbal report, weekly written reports, peace of mind. A compassionate day home provider dedicated to you and your little one. I look forward to meeting you and answering all of your questions.
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She is awesome. Her services meet the intent of any mother. Our child adores her."
... "more
Reviewed by Steff A.
From $14 per hour \
1 Verification
  • From $18 /hr
  • Edmonton
1 Verification
Bachelor's Degree in Nursing
| Hellow, My name is Karen. I was born in the city of Mérida, Mexico. At this moment I am living in Edmonton with an open work permit. In my country I studied a Bachelor’s nursing during 5 years and then I had been working in a hospital and caring people (kids and seniors) in their houses during 3 years. Over these years I realized that I really enjoy to care people by providing daily living care with love. For that reason, I find my self very interested in this position, because to help people is my passion and I would like to continue practicing my nursing skills.
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  • From $18 /hr
  • Edmonton
Bachelor's Degree in Nursing
| Hellow, My name is Karen. I was born in the city of Mérida, Mexico. At this moment I am living in Edmonton with an open work permit. In my country I studied a Bachelor’s nursing during 5 years and then I had been working in a hospital and caring people (kids and seniors) in their houses during 3 years. Over these years I realized that I really enjoy to care people by providing daily living care with love. For that reason, I find my self very interested in this position, because to help people is my passion and I would like to continue practicing my nursing skills.
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Karen was incredibly kind and professional. My shy little guy warmed up to her very quickly and looked forward to seeing her. She spoke Spanish to both of my kids and I loved that for their learning. She was on time and stayed later if I needed her to. She was, in a word, wonderful - and I highly, highly recommend her!!"
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Reviewed by Candice S.
From $18 per hour \
Samantha V.
1 Verification
  • From $13 /hr
  • Edmonton
1 Verification
Looking to start a dayhome business from my home
| I am looking for a child care job to do from my home in the Castledowns area for 1-2 children on weekdays full/part time morning-late afternoon. I don’t drive yet, I do have my learners though, I’ll be driving next year, I know how to take public transit well. I’ll do school drop offs and picks ups to specific schools in my area (I’ll email a list of the schools when requested). Children 12 yrs. & over cost 3.25$ for bus fare per trip. If I will be doing school drop offs & pick ups, children must be dressed appropriately for weather. Children will not be able to come if they are sick or have head lice, it can spread to others. I have a food safety & WHMIS certificate & I’ll be renewing my first aid/cpr. I have experience with children from birth-12 yrs., as I helped raise my niece, & have experience with other children as well. I’ll provide a reference & background check when requested. I live with my dad, he is gone on weekdays from morning-evening, I also have 2 small friendly dogs and 1 cat in the house. My home isn’t a peanut free home. You are welcome to meet me, my dad, the animals that will be in the house, and see my home before hiring. I would like to meet in a public place before showing my home.
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  • From $13 /hr
  • Edmonton
Looking to start a dayhome business from my home
| I am looking for a child care job to do from my home in the Castledowns area for 1-2 children on weekdays full/part time morning-late afternoon. I don’t drive yet, I do have my learners though, I’ll be driving next year, I know how to take public transit well. I’ll do school drop offs and picks ups to specific schools in my area (I’ll email a list of the schools when requested). Children 12 yrs. & over cost 3.25$ for bus fare per trip. If I will be doing school drop offs & pick ups, children must be dressed appropriately for weather. Children will not be able to come if they are sick or have head lice, it can spread to others. I have a food safety & WHMIS certificate & I’ll be renewing my first aid/cpr. I have experience with children from birth-12 yrs., as I helped raise my niece, & have experience with other children as well. I’ll provide a reference & background check when requested. I live with my dad, he is gone on weekdays from morning-evening, I also have 2 small friendly dogs and 1 cat in the house. My home isn’t a peanut free home. You are welcome to meet me, my dad, the animals that will be in the house, and see my home before hiring. I would like to meet in a public place before showing my home.
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From $13 per hour \
Aelaine A.
  • From $12 /hr
  • Edmonton
Mom with two kids
| I can handle pressure and my skills in teaching kids is good they can play here in our house because theirs a lot of toys
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  • From $12 /hr
  • Edmonton
Mom with two kids
| I can handle pressure and my skills in teaching kids is good they can play here in our house because theirs a lot of toys
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From $12 per hour \
Peterson G.
1 Verification
  • From $16 /hr
  • Edmonton
1 Verification
Passionate learner, creative thinker, and dedicated to making a positive impact.
| In my one year of working in childcare, I have developed a deep understanding and genuine passion for fostering the growth and development of children. My role involved creating a safe, nurturing, and stimulating environment where children could thrive. I was responsible for planning and executing daily activities that promoted learning and development, from educational games to creative arts and crafts. Additionally, I ensured the well-being of children by attending to their basic needs such as feeding, hygiene, and comfort. My experience has taught me the importance of patience, creativity, and adaptability in managing the diverse needs and personalities of children. I take pride in my ability to build strong, positive relationships with both the children and their families, ensuring open communication and trust.
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  • From $16 /hr
  • Edmonton
Passionate learner, creative thinker, and dedicated to making a positive impact.
| In my one year of working in childcare, I have developed a deep understanding and genuine passion for fostering the growth and development of children. My role involved creating a safe, nurturing, and stimulating environment where children could thrive. I was responsible for planning and executing daily activities that promoted learning and development, from educational games to creative arts and crafts. Additionally, I ensured the well-being of children by attending to their basic needs such as feeding, hygiene, and comfort. My experience has taught me the importance of patience, creativity, and adaptability in managing the diverse needs and personalities of children. I take pride in my ability to build strong, positive relationships with both the children and their families, ensuring open communication and trust.
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From $16 per hour \
Did you know...
The average hourly rate for day caregivers in Edmonton is between $17 and $21
1 Verification
  • From $13 /hr
  • Edmonton
1 Verification
Care By Creselda (private licensed Dayhome)
| Hi! I am starting my licensed day home in September and was looking for kids aged 18 months and older full time, part time care and pick up drop off to school drop in were also be accepted. I worked for 8 years as a nanny with different age groups and at Parkview and Laurier area. I have also child care worker certificate,police certificate.I love bringing the kids out specially ######.## are in Lynnwood area .
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  • From $13 /hr
  • Edmonton
Care By Creselda (private licensed Dayhome)
| Hi! I am starting my licensed day home in September and was looking for kids aged 18 months and older full time, part time care and pick up drop off to school drop in were also be accepted. I worked for 8 years as a nanny with different age groups and at Parkview and Laurier area. I have also child care worker certificate,police certificate.I love bringing the kids out specially ######.## are in Lynnwood area .
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From $13 per hour \
Lorrie C.
1 Verification
  • From $20 /hr
  • Edmonton
1 Verification
Support worker,Careaid
| Moved to Edmonton to be closer to family had a 40 hr position day and evening swing shifts I would like to find the same or part time for now I love working with children would like to stay in that area if possible have good references and hard worker
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  • From $20 /hr
  • Edmonton
Support worker,Careaid
| Moved to Edmonton to be closer to family had a 40 hr position day and evening swing shifts I would like to find the same or part time for now I love working with children would like to stay in that area if possible have good references and hard worker
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From $20 per hour \
Shelley M.
1 Verification
  • From $20 /hr
  • Edmonton
1 Verification
I am a certified Child Development Assistant with clear criminal record check.
| I have raised 3 children and I have worked as a teacher assistant for K,1 and 2. I have worked with Add/Adhd/OCD children in school settings. Setting goals and teaching them how to control their anger and teaching children to have a voice with other children while learning respect.
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  • From $20 /hr
  • Edmonton
I am a certified Child Development Assistant with clear criminal record check.
| I have raised 3 children and I have worked as a teacher assistant for K,1 and 2. I have worked with Add/Adhd/OCD children in school settings. Setting goals and teaching them how to control their anger and teaching children to have a voice with other children while learning respect.
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From $20 per hour \
Adrianna C.
  • From $14 /hr
  • Edmonton
Day home available
| We are looking for 2 full time and 1 part time friend to join our day home. I also have drop in available for those who need it. This day home is ideal for staff working at schools (teachers , EAs, etc) I’m open sept-June Monday- Friday 7:30-4:30 (flexible) I may be available for summer care this year if needed (summer 2021) I provide lunch and 2 snacks daily We are located in the balwin community. Not far from yellow head & 82 st. As well as 66st and fort road. We are a 2 min walk from Princeton elementary school. I am able to accept OSC if you can get busing here I am a level 1 child care worker. I have my diploma from Niagara college for Educational Assistant-special needs support worker, as well as a clear criminal record check. I am a fun and energetic person. I’ve spent the last 5 years working as an EA.
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  • From $14 /hr
  • Edmonton
Day home available
| We are looking for 2 full time and 1 part time friend to join our day home. I also have drop in available for those who need it. This day home is ideal for staff working at schools (teachers , EAs, etc) I’m open sept-June Monday- Friday 7:30-4:30 (flexible) I may be available for summer care this year if needed (summer 2021) I provide lunch and 2 snacks daily We are located in the balwin community. Not far from yellow head & 82 st. As well as 66st and fort road. We are a 2 min walk from Princeton elementary school. I am able to accept OSC if you can get busing here I am a level 1 child care worker. I have my diploma from Niagara college for Educational Assistant-special needs support worker, as well as a clear criminal record check. I am a fun and energetic person. I’ve spent the last 5 years working as an EA.
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From $14 per hour \
Donna M.
1 Verification
  • From $20 /hr
  • Edmonton
1 Verification
Stepping Stones Preschool Dayhome
| I have a level 2 Early Childhood Educator Certificiate, Fundmenals Montessori Teacher Certificate, and School Age Certificiate. I have over 15 years of experience in working with children  ages 30 months old to 12 yrs of age. Fenced in back yard that has age appropriate play for children of all ages! Upstairs of home is dedicated to the daycare with a large toy room. With many age appropriate toys and educational games. Non-smoking house. My home is a dog friendly home. The dogs are child(ren) friendly. I also have a large fresh water fish tank for the child (ren) to also enjoy. I have CPR, First Aid, and also have a current criminal record check. With my many years of combined experience! I have Food Safe Certified and offer healthy AM snack, lunch, and PM snack. Each week I teach a new curriculum to the children that includes a weekly theme, vocabulary word, shape/color, letter, number and nursery rhyme. Arts and crafts, workbooks, puzzles, and tons of pretend play toys! Play outside every day and when the weather is nice we are outside morning and afternoon. I also incorporate Montessori Curriculum. Currently I have openings for full time & part time positions. Sincerely Donna
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  • From $20 /hr
  • Edmonton
Stepping Stones Preschool Dayhome
| I have a level 2 Early Childhood Educator Certificiate, Fundmenals Montessori Teacher Certificate, and School Age Certificiate. I have over 15 years of experience in working with children  ages 30 months old to 12 yrs of age. Fenced in back yard that has age appropriate play for children of all ages! Upstairs of home is dedicated to the daycare with a large toy room. With many age appropriate toys and educational games. Non-smoking house. My home is a dog friendly home. The dogs are child(ren) friendly. I also have a large fresh water fish tank for the child (ren) to also enjoy. I have CPR, First Aid, and also have a current criminal record check. With my many years of combined experience! I have Food Safe Certified and offer healthy AM snack, lunch, and PM snack. Each week I teach a new curriculum to the children that includes a weekly theme, vocabulary word, shape/color, letter, number and nursery rhyme. Arts and crafts, workbooks, puzzles, and tons of pretend play toys! Play outside every day and when the weather is nice we are outside morning and afternoon. I also incorporate Montessori Curriculum. Currently I have openings for full time & part time positions. Sincerely Donna
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From $20 per hour \
Acayla H.
1 Verification Hired once
  • From $17 /hr
  • Edmonton
1 Verification Hired once
My name is Acayla, I am 28 years old.
| I currently hold my Level 1 Childcare certificate, and run my own day home in Laurel (Southeast Edmonton). My hours are 6-6. I have worked in the childcare field since I was 12, holding positions such as babysitting, live-in nannying, day-home and daycare worker. I come from a large family so working with children naturally came as a passion for me. I am currently caring for 3 boys age 3, 5.5 and 7. I am looking to take on two more children, preferably around the same age but am open to anything. I provide morning snack, lunch and afternoon snack. I have a full backyard for the children to play in as well as access to parks, walking paths and a large green space all within walking distance. We do educational activities, learning with play/crafts and free play. Message me to discuss wage and any other questions you may have.
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  • From $17 /hr
  • Edmonton
My name is Acayla, I am 28 years old.
| I currently hold my Level 1 Childcare certificate, and run my own day home in Laurel (Southeast Edmonton). My hours are 6-6. I have worked in the childcare field since I was 12, holding positions such as babysitting, live-in nannying, day-home and daycare worker. I come from a large family so working with children naturally came as a passion for me. I am currently caring for 3 boys age 3, 5.5 and 7. I am looking to take on two more children, preferably around the same age but am open to anything. I provide morning snack, lunch and afternoon snack. I have a full backyard for the children to play in as well as access to parks, walking paths and a large green space all within walking distance. We do educational activities, learning with play/crafts and free play. Message me to discuss wage and any other questions you may have.
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From $17 per hour \
Ishwar Partap J.
1 Verification
  • From $20 /hr
  • Edmonton
1 Verification
A child Care provider with 1 year experience.
| I just came from Toronto and recently did my Early childhood Education Program and have 1 year experience with toddlers preschoolers and junior kindergarten children.
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  • From $20 /hr
  • Edmonton
A child Care provider with 1 year experience.
| I just came from Toronto and recently did my Early childhood Education Program and have 1 year experience with toddlers preschoolers and junior kindergarten children.
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From $20 per hour \
Adebimpe Yetunde A.
1 Verification Hired 2 times
  • From $9 /hr
  • Edmonton
1 Verification Hired 2 times
Dayhome Provider, and OSC starting 1st of April
| I am a Certified Child care provider (Level 3-Childcare supervisor) with Alberta Government. I'm quitting my job in a daycare next month to start my licensed dayhome in Secord Edmonton. I have limited space for kids.
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  • From $9 /hr
  • Edmonton
Dayhome Provider, and OSC starting 1st of April
| I am a Certified Child care provider (Level 3-Childcare supervisor) with Alberta Government. I'm quitting my job in a daycare next month to start my licensed dayhome in Secord Edmonton. I have limited space for kids.
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From $9 per hour \
Yeg Fisher Child Care
  • From $25 /hr
  • Edmonton
New Day Home - educated in Child and Youth Care
| I am a graduate from MacEwan University. I studied and recieved my diploma in Child and Youth Care. I am looking into starting a day home, and are looking for families who are interested.
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  • From $25 /hr
  • Edmonton
New Day Home - educated in Child and Youth Care
| I am a graduate from MacEwan University. I studied and recieved my diploma in Child and Youth Care. I am looking into starting a day home, and are looking for families who are interested.
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From $25 per hour \
Miracle W.
1 Verification
  • From $15 /hr
  • Edmonton
1 Verification
South side day home
| Are you looking for a 2nd home for your child or children? We'll you found it. Each child has there own locker like space. We have a: Lots of toys, Nap area. Crafts & Activities to stimulate the children's creativity & Learning through play. Routine Nap, Lunch & Snack times Potty Training with parents follow-up at home Communication book if parents prefer, as I know some parents do not have the time during drop off & pick up to discuss their child's day. Daily fresh air and walks, weather permitting Structured Learning Smoke and Pet Free Home Fenced yard- slide, picnic table with umbrella, riding toys, outdoor picnics etc. Hot Lunch & Snacks daily Large basement almost done and will be a very large play area. The children do you have the whole house to be in so they are not stuck in just one spot. Large yard. Three parks near by also have my Early Childhood-Level 1 and Child First Aid/CPR My hours in my home are Monday-Friday 7:00am-5:30pm Full time $700 per child per month or $550 for 3 days per week per child.
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  • From $15 /hr
  • Edmonton
South side day home
| Are you looking for a 2nd home for your child or children? We'll you found it. Each child has there own locker like space. We have a: Lots of toys, Nap area. Crafts & Activities to stimulate the children's creativity & Learning through play. Routine Nap, Lunch & Snack times Potty Training with parents follow-up at home Communication book if parents prefer, as I know some parents do not have the time during drop off & pick up to discuss their child's day. Daily fresh air and walks, weather permitting Structured Learning Smoke and Pet Free Home Fenced yard- slide, picnic table with umbrella, riding toys, outdoor picnics etc. Hot Lunch & Snacks daily Large basement almost done and will be a very large play area. The children do you have the whole house to be in so they are not stuck in just one spot. Large yard. Three parks near by also have my Early Childhood-Level 1 and Child First Aid/CPR My hours in my home are Monday-Friday 7:00am-5:30pm Full time $700 per child per month or $550 for 3 days per week per child.
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From $15 per hour \
Navjot G.
  • From $20 /hr
  • Edmonton
I am looking for a job near silverberry and meadows.
| I am an International educated nurse,I can speak punjabi,hindi and English. I am 33yrs old .I live in silverberry and I dont know driving .
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  • From $20 /hr
  • Edmonton
I am looking for a job near silverberry and meadows.
| I am an International educated nurse,I can speak punjabi,hindi and English. I am 33yrs old .I live in silverberry and I dont know driving .
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From $20 per hour \
Kali T.
  • From $17 /hr
  • Edmonton
I’m 19 years old I currently have two jobs and I’m just looking for another job for my free time
| I started babysitting when I was 14 since I wasn’t legally allowed to work I started babysitting for local kids around my neighbourhood I really fell in love with spending time with kids so the following summer I got A job at the YMCA as a summer counsellor which really helped me get more experience and helped me learn patient. I enjoy spending time with kids and doing fun activities with them like drawing and painting I also like watching movies that they’re interested in so I can understand them better and relate to them more.
... more
  • From $17 /hr
  • Edmonton
I’m 19 years old I currently have two jobs and I’m just looking for another job for my free time
| I started babysitting when I was 14 since I wasn’t legally allowed to work I started babysitting for local kids around my neighbourhood I really fell in love with spending time with kids so the following summer I got A job at the YMCA as a summer counsellor which really helped me get more experience and helped me learn patient. I enjoy spending time with kids and doing fun activities with them like drawing and painting I also like watching movies that they’re interested in so I can understand them better and relate to them more.
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From $17 per hour \
Faiza N.
  • From $14 /hr
  • Edmonton
Loyal and caring
| Well educated and experienced in this field. Love and enjoy work with kids
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  • From $14 /hr
  • Edmonton
Loyal and caring
| Well educated and experienced in this field. Love and enjoy work with kids
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From $14 per hour \
Maybelle O.
  • From $15 /hr
  • Edmonton
My name is Maybelle. I have my experience to take care elderly and children.
| I love to take care people specially if they are sick,I help her morning task like prepare nutritious food,bathing ,dressing and do her everyday exercise to make her strong.
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  • From $15 /hr
  • Edmonton
My name is Maybelle. I have my experience to take care elderly and children.
| I love to take care people specially if they are sick,I help her morning task like prepare nutritious food,bathing ,dressing and do her everyday exercise to make her strong.
... more
From $15 per hour \
Tyler Clyde V.
1 Verification
  • From $24 /hr
  • Edmonton
1 Verification
Unconditional Love & care childminder available
| I am writing to express my interest in working in your home or any comfortable place where you might need me as a support worker. I have extensive personal experience supporting a child with ASD, or neurologically challenged. I have a kid who is turning 7 and he is under ASD, ADD, ADHD, or OCD and it’s a real challenge to us as parents. To be supportive in their milestone developments as a family. I was also a tutor for elementary kids back in my home. I look forward to discussing how my experiences can help your family and your kid’s development. Additionally, I do have a solid background across diverse roles childminder available
... more
  • From $24 /hr
  • Edmonton
Unconditional Love & care childminder available
| I am writing to express my interest in working in your home or any comfortable place where you might need me as a support worker. I have extensive personal experience supporting a child with ASD, or neurologically challenged. I have a kid who is turning 7 and he is under ASD, ADD, ADHD, or OCD and it’s a real challenge to us as parents. To be supportive in their milestone developments as a family. I was also a tutor for elementary kids back in my home. I look forward to discussing how my experiences can help your family and your kid’s development. Additionally, I do have a solid background across diverse roles childminder available
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From $24 per hour \
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Daycare in Edmonton

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