Child Care in Fenelon Falls

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Marcie B.
1 Verification
  • From $15 /hr
  • Fenelon Falls
1 Verification
Attentive, caring, fun, creative and thoughtful
| I have over 10 years experience in child care, I have previously worked in a child care facility for 3 years, and I have worked in after-school programming with school aged children. Services I can offer include: Nanny services, bathing, meal preparation/cooking, housekeeping, animal care. If there is anything else you need I would be happy to plan that with you.
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  • From $15 /hr
  • Fenelon Falls
Attentive, caring, fun, creative and thoughtful
| I have over 10 years experience in child care, I have previously worked in a child care facility for 3 years, and I have worked in after-school programming with school aged children. Services I can offer include: Nanny services, bathing, meal preparation/cooking, housekeeping, animal care. If there is anything else you need I would be happy to plan that with you.
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From $15 per hour \
Kara B.
  • From $15 /hr
  • Fenelon Falls
Looking to work for YOU
| My name is Kara and I am 31 years old. I have no children of my own, but have been watching children on and off for as long as I can remember. I grew up in an "at-home-daycare" run by my mother and began working as a nanny during summers for private families right out of high school. I am moving to Felon Falls, was born in Coboconk, but have been all over the world thanks to my job as a touring photojournalist (when things are normal). I have recently moved back to the area to be closer to family while I work out visa and citizenship to the united states and I miss being around children. With school being so messy and programs being down for so long, kids need fun AND an educational environment. Crafts, make believe, fun study time, helping with chores and cooking. I love having hands-on and eccentric kids. I also have past experience working in youth shelters and high behavioral group homes, so I can deal with children who have any sort of cgnitive or physical disabilities as well. I am patient, love unconditionally, am tidy and respectful of property. I'd love to chat.
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  • From $15 /hr
  • Fenelon Falls
Looking to work for YOU
| My name is Kara and I am 31 years old. I have no children of my own, but have been watching children on and off for as long as I can remember. I grew up in an "at-home-daycare" run by my mother and began working as a nanny during summers for private families right out of high school. I am moving to Felon Falls, was born in Coboconk, but have been all over the world thanks to my job as a touring photojournalist (when things are normal). I have recently moved back to the area to be closer to family while I work out visa and citizenship to the united states and I miss being around children. With school being so messy and programs being down for so long, kids need fun AND an educational environment. Crafts, make believe, fun study time, helping with chores and cooking. I love having hands-on and eccentric kids. I also have past experience working in youth shelters and high behavioral group homes, so I can deal with children who have any sort of cgnitive or physical disabilities as well. I am patient, love unconditionally, am tidy and respectful of property. I'd love to chat.
... more
From $15 per hour \
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Child Care in Fenelon Falls

When do you need child care?