Child Care in Bobcaygeon

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Jaimie S.
1 Verification Hired once
  • From $25 /hr
  • Bobcaygeon
1 Verification Hired once
Helping you with your little loved ones!
| I have my DSW diploma. I am a mom to a 3 year old boy. I hope to be able to spend quality time with families and to providing you help with your little loved ones. I currently work at a group home. I’ve worked in activities in a long term care and I’ve worked at a daycare while in highschool! When I was on maternity leave with my son, I watched my friends toddler for her 3 times a week and loved it! If your child is needing a friend, I’m also open to bringing my child with me! Thanks!
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  • From $25 /hr
  • Bobcaygeon
Helping you with your little loved ones!
| I have my DSW diploma. I am a mom to a 3 year old boy. I hope to be able to spend quality time with families and to providing you help with your little loved ones. I currently work at a group home. I’ve worked in activities in a long term care and I’ve worked at a daycare while in highschool! When I was on maternity leave with my son, I watched my friends toddler for her 3 times a week and loved it! If your child is needing a friend, I’m also open to bringing my child with me! Thanks!
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From $25 per hour \
Kyle T.
  • From $30 /hr
  • Bobcaygeon
Outgoing, excited, passionate, child and youth worker/ direct support worker!
| Hello! My name is Kyle, I am a proud proud child and youth care practitioner, as well as a direct support worker. I have the biggest passion for this field, I bring a lot of personal and professional experiences that I have gained in this field! I have experience working in homes of care, the school board as well as other respite work. I am goal driven, passionate about what I do and am eager to make a difference in other peoples lives! Overall, I truly enjoy this field and the care I can provide. I can be a a bit on the louder side as I am usually pretty excited but I make it work where I am! I am also 100% okay with any pets in the house
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  • From $30 /hr
  • Bobcaygeon
Outgoing, excited, passionate, child and youth worker/ direct support worker!
| Hello! My name is Kyle, I am a proud proud child and youth care practitioner, as well as a direct support worker. I have the biggest passion for this field, I bring a lot of personal and professional experiences that I have gained in this field! I have experience working in homes of care, the school board as well as other respite work. I am goal driven, passionate about what I do and am eager to make a difference in other peoples lives! Overall, I truly enjoy this field and the care I can provide. I can be a a bit on the louder side as I am usually pretty excited but I make it work where I am! I am also 100% okay with any pets in the house
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From $30 per hour \
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Child Care in Bobcaygeon

When do you need child care?