Child Care in Callander

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Samantha C.
1 Verification
  • From $9 /hr
  • Callander
1 Verification
Babysitter, Nanny, Childminder with Own Transport -Callander ontario
| My name is Samantha, I'm 23 years old Recently relocated to Callander Ontario I have my CPR and I have 6 years of experience with babysitting from newborn-10 years old. I cook and bake on a regular basis. I am not currently working or in school, as I am a stay at home with my 8 month old baby girl. So I am available anytime, day or night. I hope you consider me, if you have any questions for me please message me and I will respond right away! Thank you. Sincerely, Samantha
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  • From $9 /hr
  • Callander
Babysitter, Nanny, Childminder with Own Transport -Callander ontario
| My name is Samantha, I'm 23 years old Recently relocated to Callander Ontario I have my CPR and I have 6 years of experience with babysitting from newborn-10 years old. I cook and bake on a regular basis. I am not currently working or in school, as I am a stay at home with my 8 month old baby girl. So I am available anytime, day or night. I hope you consider me, if you have any questions for me please message me and I will respond right away! Thank you. Sincerely, Samantha
... more
I have 2 girls, 1 aged 2 and 1 aged 4 and Samantha was fantastic with them, she currently still watches them when I need her to! I highly recommend, my kids always come home saying they had a blast, and are always full!"
... "more
Reviewed by qKdv T.
From $9 per hour \
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Child Care in Callander

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