Babysitters in Wellandport

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Emma V.
1 Verification
  • From $17 /hr
  • Wellandport
1 Verification
Emma; Fun, Creative, and safe Babysitter!
| I have an aptitude for baking and cooking as I live on a farm and have prepared lots of dinners and lunches for my family! I enjoy being outdoors in the fresh air! I also love anything art related; crafts, paintings etc. I come from a large family with 3 younger siblings and lots of young cousins that I have taken care of from time to time for as long as I can remember! I also work as an Orthodontist assistant Monday-Thursday until 2:30pm, but available all other hours!
... more
  • From $17 /hr
  • Wellandport
Emma; Fun, Creative, and safe Babysitter!
| I have an aptitude for baking and cooking as I live on a farm and have prepared lots of dinners and lunches for my family! I enjoy being outdoors in the fresh air! I also love anything art related; crafts, paintings etc. I come from a large family with 3 younger siblings and lots of young cousins that I have taken care of from time to time for as long as I can remember! I also work as an Orthodontist assistant Monday-Thursday until 2:30pm, but available all other hours!
... more
From $17 per hour \
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Babysitters in Wellandport

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