Babysitters in Port Stanley

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Allyson V.
Hired once
  • From $16 /hr
  • Port Stanley
Hired once
Experienced Child Care Provider
| I am a graduated Child and Youth Worker with experience working with all ages of children and youth. I am currently an Educational Assistant with the school board, and with the schools being closed I am off. I have done nanny and babysitting jobs in the past. I am comfortable doing anything needed within the home. Send me a message if I can help!
... more
  • From $16 /hr
  • Port Stanley
Experienced Child Care Provider
| I am a graduated Child and Youth Worker with experience working with all ages of children and youth. I am currently an Educational Assistant with the school board, and with the schools being closed I am off. I have done nanny and babysitting jobs in the past. I am comfortable doing anything needed within the home. Send me a message if I can help!
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From $16 per hour \
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Babysitters in Port Stanley

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