Special Needs Care in Port Stanley

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Allyson V.
Hired once
  • From $16 /hr
  • Port Stanley
Hired once
Experienced Special Needs Caregiver
| I am a graduated Child and Youth Worker with experience in the field of special needs. I am currently an Educational Assistant with the school board. During my time at the school board, I have worked with various children and youth with special needs. These needs have included Autism, physical disabilities, Down Syndrome, behavioural concerns, etc. In the past, I worked for Community Living. At that time I cared for adults with special needs in group homes. I have done various respite positions, and am very comfortable and capable to work with those with exceptional needs. I am passionate about this field and would love to offer my services to anyone that may need it. Feel free to reach out.
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  • From $16 /hr
  • Port Stanley
Experienced Special Needs Caregiver
| I am a graduated Child and Youth Worker with experience in the field of special needs. I am currently an Educational Assistant with the school board. During my time at the school board, I have worked with various children and youth with special needs. These needs have included Autism, physical disabilities, Down Syndrome, behavioural concerns, etc. In the past, I worked for Community Living. At that time I cared for adults with special needs in group homes. I have done various respite positions, and am very comfortable and capable to work with those with exceptional needs. I am passionate about this field and would love to offer my services to anyone that may need it. Feel free to reach out.
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From $16 per hour \
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Special Needs Care in Port Stanley

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