Babysitters in Porcupine

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Sarah S.
  • From $13 /hr
  • Porcupine
I will follow the rules of the house hold and help the children in the best way possible.
| I am very good with kids and love to explore new things. I have experience with babysitting. I am a recent graduate of High School and I am interested in exploring new careers and discovering myself and what I aspire to be. I am very kind and understand. I am able to do house care as well and am comfortable with household animals.
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  • From $13 /hr
  • Porcupine
I will follow the rules of the house hold and help the children in the best way possible.
| I am very good with kids and love to explore new things. I have experience with babysitting. I am a recent graduate of High School and I am interested in exploring new careers and discovering myself and what I aspire to be. I am very kind and understand. I am able to do house care as well and am comfortable with household animals.
... more
From $13 per hour \
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Babysitters in Porcupine

When do you need child care?