Pet Care in Porcupine

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Abby G.
1 Verification
  • From $10
  • Porcupine
1 Verification
A Sucker for a Stray- Flexible Pet Sitter Available
| I have been a pet lover all of my life. I started rescuing and rehabilitating strays from N.O.A.W.S. (Northern Ontario Animal Welfare Society) at age nine as we were a foster family. I'm an aquarist with a 75-gallon tropical tank, and two thirty gallon community and red cherry shrimp tanks. We have a beautiful dog that we adopted from N.O.A.W.S. two years ago. As well as two cats. I have also owned rats, hamsters, and bearded dragons. I have many years experience in caring for animals and pet sitting a variety of different breeds, sizes and temperaments. I will give your loving companion the time, attention and care they deserve. Located in Porcupine, available for Porcupine, South Porcupine or Timmins and have own transportation. I can work with you and your pet on a flexible schedule to meet your needs. Contact me today if interested.
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  • From $10
  • Porcupine
A Sucker for a Stray- Flexible Pet Sitter Available
| I have been a pet lover all of my life. I started rescuing and rehabilitating strays from N.O.A.W.S. (Northern Ontario Animal Welfare Society) at age nine as we were a foster family. I'm an aquarist with a 75-gallon tropical tank, and two thirty gallon community and red cherry shrimp tanks. We have a beautiful dog that we adopted from N.O.A.W.S. two years ago. As well as two cats. I have also owned rats, hamsters, and bearded dragons. I have many years experience in caring for animals and pet sitting a variety of different breeds, sizes and temperaments. I will give your loving companion the time, attention and care they deserve. Located in Porcupine, available for Porcupine, South Porcupine or Timmins and have own transportation. I can work with you and your pet on a flexible schedule to meet your needs. Contact me today if interested.
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From $10 \
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Pet Care in Porcupine

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