Babysitters in Merrickville

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Mary F.
Hired once
  • From $18 /hr
  • Merrickville
Hired once
Available babysitter for evenings and weekends
| Hi. My name is Mary. I am currently a college student taking my Early Childhood Education diploma. I am looking to earn some extra money through babysitting. I have been babysitting for 6 years now and have lots of experience caring for children which includes volunteering as a girl guide leader, working at 2 daycares, recently nannying for a family with twin infants and taking care of family and friends. I have several references available for you to talk too upon request. Hopefully I am the perfect fit for you and your family.
... more
  • From $18 /hr
  • Merrickville
Available babysitter for evenings and weekends
| Hi. My name is Mary. I am currently a college student taking my Early Childhood Education diploma. I am looking to earn some extra money through babysitting. I have been babysitting for 6 years now and have lots of experience caring for children which includes volunteering as a girl guide leader, working at 2 daycares, recently nannying for a family with twin infants and taking care of family and friends. I have several references available for you to talk too upon request. Hopefully I am the perfect fit for you and your family.
... more
From $18 per hour \
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Babysitters in Merrickville

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