Pet Care in Merrickville

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Sarah M.
1 Verification
  • From $10
  • Merrickville
1 Verification
I've worked with calves trained Service Dogs babysat Hedge Hogs and everything in-between
| -Goal oriented -Hardworking -Bilingual (French and English) -Experience and ability to care for a variety of animals (dogs, cows, calves, bulls, horses, gerbils, chickens, all species of squirrels, alpacas, rabbits, goats, emus, alp, cottontail bunnies, cats, hares, skunks, weasels, sheep, turtles, rabbits, groundhogs, llama, and mice) -Able to treat animals with injuries -Good with children -Clip dogs and trim nails -Provide basic First Aid to animals (treatments for shock, needles, painkillers, restraining, antibiotics, seize bleeding, apply new bandages) Work Experience -Babysitter (####-####) -Dog Training including Therapy and Service Dogs (self-employed) (2015-current) -Selina’s Studio (####-####) -Rideau Valley Wildlife Sanctuary (August 12 2017 - current) Volunteer Experience (370 + hours) -Genesis Dog Rescue ####-#### -Ran Half Marathon for Relay for Life Cancer Society 2014 -Parkdale Food Centre 2014 -Student Council ####-#### -Blyth Academy Open Houses + Events ####-#### -Dance Instructor ####-#### -Walking Therapy Dogs (Therapeutic Paws of Canada) 2017 -Wind Reach Farm 2017 -Big Sky Ranch Animal Sanctuary 2018
... more
  • From $10
  • Merrickville
I've worked with calves trained Service Dogs babysat Hedge Hogs and everything in-between
| -Goal oriented -Hardworking -Bilingual (French and English) -Experience and ability to care for a variety of animals (dogs, cows, calves, bulls, horses, gerbils, chickens, all species of squirrels, alpacas, rabbits, goats, emus, alp, cottontail bunnies, cats, hares, skunks, weasels, sheep, turtles, rabbits, groundhogs, llama, and mice) -Able to treat animals with injuries -Good with children -Clip dogs and trim nails -Provide basic First Aid to animals (treatments for shock, needles, painkillers, restraining, antibiotics, seize bleeding, apply new bandages) Work Experience -Babysitter (####-####) -Dog Training including Therapy and Service Dogs (self-employed) (2015-current) -Selina’s Studio (####-####) -Rideau Valley Wildlife Sanctuary (August 12 2017 - current) Volunteer Experience (370 + hours) -Genesis Dog Rescue ####-#### -Ran Half Marathon for Relay for Life Cancer Society 2014 -Parkdale Food Centre 2014 -Student Council ####-#### -Blyth Academy Open Houses + Events ####-#### -Dance Instructor ####-#### -Walking Therapy Dogs (Therapeutic Paws of Canada) 2017 -Wind Reach Farm 2017 -Big Sky Ranch Animal Sanctuary 2018
... more
From $10 \
Michaela B.
  • From $10
  • Merrickville
Michaela (Micky)
| Hello - my name is Michaela and I love animals of all kinds. I have experience working with large and small dogs, various reptiles, fish, and cats. Currently I have 7 pets of my own including 2 bearded dragons and a leopard gecko so I am very comfortable with lizard care. I’m also a Merrickville native but would be willing to let sit in surrounding areas such as Kemptville and Smiths Falls.
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  • From $10
  • Merrickville
Michaela (Micky)
| Hello - my name is Michaela and I love animals of all kinds. I have experience working with large and small dogs, various reptiles, fish, and cats. Currently I have 7 pets of my own including 2 bearded dragons and a leopard gecko so I am very comfortable with lizard care. I’m also a Merrickville native but would be willing to let sit in surrounding areas such as Kemptville and Smiths Falls.
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From $10 \
Mary F.
Hired once
  • From $10
  • Merrickville
Hired once
Available Pet Sitter / Walker
| Hello, my name is Mary. I am a college student living just outside Kemptville. I’ve had pets my entire life and therefore have years of experience feeding,walking and caring for them. Please reach out to see if I’ll be the right fit for your family.
... more
  • From $10
  • Merrickville
Available Pet Sitter / Walker
| Hello, my name is Mary. I am a college student living just outside Kemptville. I’ve had pets my entire life and therefore have years of experience feeding,walking and caring for them. Please reach out to see if I’ll be the right fit for your family.
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From $10 \
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Pet Care in Merrickville

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