Babysitters in Glencairn

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Marilyn S.
  • From $14 /hr
  • Glencairn
Babysitting for 14+ years
| Babysitting for 14+ years, I have experience with children ages 0-10. Lived and cared for 2 younger siblings (currently 9 and 7yrs old), one of which is on the spectrum, and I miss them dearly! Reading, creativity, having fun and being outdoors are a few of the things I believe are most important when caring for children. Healthy meals/snacks will be served along with light house cleaning around the home.
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  • From $14 /hr
  • Glencairn
Babysitting for 14+ years
| Babysitting for 14+ years, I have experience with children ages 0-10. Lived and cared for 2 younger siblings (currently 9 and 7yrs old), one of which is on the spectrum, and I miss them dearly! Reading, creativity, having fun and being outdoors are a few of the things I believe are most important when caring for children. Healthy meals/snacks will be served along with light house cleaning around the home.
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From $14 per hour \
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Babysitters in Glencairn

When do you need child care?