Babysitters in Dresden

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Trudy F.
  • From $16 /hr
  • Dresden
Hey! My name is Trudy. I enjoy spending time with people, especially children and the elderly.
| I love children and come from a family of 14. I've been babysitting for as long as I can remember, and have always helped around the house. My youngest siblings are twin girls. I have experience with children from newborn to age 13.
... more
  • From $16 /hr
  • Dresden
Hey! My name is Trudy. I enjoy spending time with people, especially children and the elderly.
| I love children and come from a family of 14. I've been babysitting for as long as I can remember, and have always helped around the house. My youngest siblings are twin girls. I have experience with children from newborn to age 13.
... more
From $16 per hour \
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Babysitters in Dresden

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