Senior Care in Dresden

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Trudy F.
  • From $16 /hr
  • Dresden
I have experience with the elderly and would love to spend more time with them.
| I have volunteered in 2 different retirement homes. One was retirement/long term care. The more time I spent with the elderly, the more my heart grew with love for them. I would love to do anything with Healthcare in the future, and this would be the perfect opportunity to get more experienced.
... more
  • From $16 /hr
  • Dresden
I have experience with the elderly and would love to spend more time with them.
| I have volunteered in 2 different retirement homes. One was retirement/long term care. The more time I spent with the elderly, the more my heart grew with love for them. I would love to do anything with Healthcare in the future, and this would be the perfect opportunity to get more experienced.
... more
From $16 per hour \
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Senior Care in Dresden

When do you need senior care?