Tutoring Jobs in Sherwood Park

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Tutor Needed in T8H Sherwood Park

by Michelle • Sherwood Park
Hello, I am looking for someone offering English lessons. I live in T8H Sherwood Park. If you think you'd be a good fit, please contact me. I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you for considering this opportunity. We hope to hear from you soon.
$190 - $24410 Hr. / Week

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by Donna • Sherwood Park
My name is Donna and I am looking for a tutor for my 2 sons. They need someone to help them with reading, spelling, homework & test prep. About 3 hrs/week
$38 - $492 Hr. / Week

Tutor Wanted in T8H Sherwood Park
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by Luke • Sherwood Park
I am looking for a local Science, Mathematics and English tutor. My name is Luke and I live in T8H Sherwood Park. I look forward to hearing from you. Please send me a message to discuss this job in more detail.
$19 - $241 Hr. / Week

Looking for a Tutor with experience
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by Sareeya • Sherwood Park
Hello, I am looking for someone offering Mathematics and English lessons. I live in T8A Sherwood Park. If you think you'd be a good fit, please contact me. I look forward to hearing from you. Please send me a message if you are interested.
$19 - $24 / Hour

Tutor Needed in T8E Sherwood Park
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by Kristin • Sherwood Park
Hello, I'm looking for a dedicated Mathematics and English tutor in T8E Sherwood Park. A few years of experience and references are a plus. If you think you'd be a good match, please apply.
$73 - $944 Hr. / Week

Wanted: Tutor in T8H Sherwood Park
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by Nicole • Sherwood Park
Hello, I'm looking for a dedicated Science, Mathematics and English tutor in T8H Sherwood Park. A few years of experience and references are a plus. If you think you'd be a good match, please apply.
$38 - $492 Hr. / Week

Looking for a Tutor with experience
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by Kristie • Sherwood Park
I need to find an experienced Mathematics and English tutor in T8A Sherwood Park. References are a plus. I look forward to your message. Please send me a message to discuss this job in more detail.
$19 - $25 / Hour

Tutor experienced with Dyslexia - children ages 7 & 8 - Rural Sherwood Park ab.
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by Denise • Sherwood Park
Hello, my son & daughter have dyslexia. I am looking for a tutor who is experienced working with children with Dyslexia. My son needs support with literacy and numeracy at the grade 1 and 2 level. My daughter needs support at the grade 2 and 3 level. We have two big dogs two cats and live outside of Sherwood Park. Own transportation is required. I am looking for 4 hours per day working one hour with my son, two hours with my daughter, then 1 hour with my son in the mornings at approximately 20 hours per week. I would be open to full days as well, with a half-day dedicated learning and the other half of the day fun. Support arrange could be ongoing, transiting at the start of the school year to afternoons online. Must be bondable and provide a vulnerable sector criminal records check.
$463 - $59625 Hr. / Week

Tutor Needed in T8A Sherwood Park
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by Nrv • Sherwood Park
Hello, I am looking for a good grade 6 Science, History, Mathematics, English and Music tutor in T8A Sherwood Park. If you think you'd be a good fit, I'd love to hear from you. Please send me a message to discuss this job in more detail.
$76 - $98 Every 2 weeks

Looking for Tutor in T8H Sherwood Park
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by Jessica • Sherwood Park
Hello, my name is Jessica and I am looking for a dedicated Science, Mathematics and English tutor in T8H Sherwood Park. A few years of experience and references are a plus. Send me a message to receive further details.
$76 - $984 Hr. / Day
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Tutoring Jobs in Sherwood Park

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