Tutoring Jobs in Pickering

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Looking for a Tutor with experience

by Shamy • Pickering
My name is Shamy and I am looking for a dedicated Science, History, Mathematics, English, French and Music tutor in L1W Pickering. A few years of experience and references are a plus. If you are interested in the job, please send me a message. Please apply if you think you'd be a good match for our family.
$40 - $522 Hr. / Week

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Tutor Needed in L1V Pickering
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by Md Joherull huq • Pickering
I need to find an experienced Science, Mathematics, English and French tutor in L1V Pickering. References are a plus. I look forward to your message. Thank you for considering this opportunity. We hope to hear from you soon.
$80 - $1034 Hr. / Week

Wanted: Tutor in L1X Pickering
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by RYtwOY • Pickering
Hello, I'm looking for a dedicated Science, History, Mathematics, English, French and Music tutor in L1X Pickering. A few years of experience and references are a plus. Please respond if interested. We can't wait to hear from you!
$81 - $1044 Hr. / Day

French tutor 2 days a week
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by Primrose • Pickering
I'm looking for a French tutor who can tutor and provide some homework help to my kids, grade 3 and grade 6 in French immersion.
$61 - $783 Hr. / Week

Looking for a Tutor with experience
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by Korosh • Pickering
Hi, my name is Korosh. I'm seeking someone offering English, Mathematics and French tutoring in L1X Pickering. A few years of experience and references are a plus. For further details please send me a message. Looking forward to hearing from you.
$40 - $522 Hr. / Week

looking for alternative way of teaching.
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by Jay • Pickering
My name is Jay and I am looking for a dedicated English, Mathematics and French tutor in L1V Pickering. A few years of experience and references are a plus. If you are interested in the job, please send me a message. Looking forward to hearing from you. Also we are looking for alternative education teacher that focuses on alternative way of teaching such as problems solving, leadership skills, etc. If that's you please apply. you must be fun. have a passion for what you do and enjoy doing it.
$40 - $522 Hr. / Week

Seeking Tutoring
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by Jay • Pickering
My name is Jay and I am looking for a dedicated English, Mathematics and French tutor in L1V Pickering. A few years of experience and references are a plus. If you are interested in the job, please send me a message. Looking forward to hearing from you. Also we are looking for alternative education teacher that focuses on alternative way of teaching such as problems solving, leadership skills, etc. If that's you please apply.
$80 - $1034 Hr. / Week

Wanted: Tutor in L1X Pickering
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by Nilanthi • Pickering
My name is Nila and I am looking for a dedicated Mathematics, English and story reading tutor in L1X Pickering. A few years of experience and references are a plus. If you are interested in the job, please send me a message. Please respond if interested. We can't wait to hear from you!
$40 - $512 Hr. / Week

Wanted: Tutor in L1V Pickering
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by Amelia • Pickering
Hello, I am looking for a good tutor in L1V Pickering for my 3 kids to improve reading, writing & grammar. If you think you'd be a good fit, I'd love to hear from you. Please apply if you think you'd be a good match for our family.
$20 - $261 Hr. / Week

Looking for Tutor in L1X Pickering
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by Christine • Pickering
Hello, I'm looking for a dedicated Mathematics and English tutor in L1X Pickering. A few years of experience and references are a plus. If you think you'd be a good match, please apply.
$40 - $522 Hr. / Week
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Tutoring Jobs in Pickering

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