Babysitters in Caloundra

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Liz C.
  • From $25 /hr
  • Caloundra
1 1 Verification
| I'm a qualified Educator with over 17years experience working with children and families. I pride myself on being reliable, flexible and always willing to do what's best to meet each childs needs, interests and abilities.
It was an absolute privilege to have chosen Liz to care for my daughter while visiting the Sunshine Coast. My daughter had such a wonderful time and was quite upset when Liz had to go. Thank you Liz for all your help and caring nature. I would highly recommend Liz if you are looking for a great babysitter/nanny here in the Sunshine Coast. Looking forward to see you again when we come back for holidays!"
... "more
Reviewed by Beatrice M.
Did you know...
The average hourly rate for babysitters in Caloundra is between $24 and $31
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Babysitters in Caloundra

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