Babysitters in Knox

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Katy C.
  • From $35 /hr
  • Scoresby
3 Hired x 2
| Hello, I am a mature lady with experience with both Children & Teenagers. Have worked in many varied roles, which include Child Protection, High Care Disability, Aged Care, (Private Home Care).Mental Health. Kind honest & thoughtful lady, with excellent references. Current First Aid/WWCC.
I was fortunate to have Katy's help last month in organising my children's bedrooms. Katy is professional, friendly and highly experienced, and worked beautifully with my 8-year-old to transform his bedroom!! She was very encouraging and made it a very positive experience for my son. I definitely recommend Katy to anyone who needs help organising. I wouldn't hesitate to have her back again."
... "more
Reviewed by Karen N.
Did you know...
The average hourly rate for babysitters in Knox is between $25 and $32
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Babysitters in Knox

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