Babysitters in Greater Shepparton

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Charlotte W.
  • From $20 /hr
  • Shepparton
1 1 Verification Hired Once
Caring 27 year old primary school teacher
| I am a caring, enthusiastic and responsible 27 year old teacher. I have been babysitting for family friends since about age 12 and have nannied full time during my gap year. I have experience with children of all ages and plenty of wonderful references.
Charlie has been extremely punctual, responsive and always happy to help when we have been busy or in a bind. Our circumstances have changed many time for ongoing work and she has been extremely flexible. The time she has spent with our son was fun and she had his routine down pat. I’m excited to be able to call on Charlie in the future."
... "more
Reviewed by Sarah S.
Did you know...
The average hourly rate for babysitters in Greater Shepparton is between $23 and $30
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Babysitters in Greater Shepparton

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