Babysitters in Botany Bay

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Gabriela A.
  • From $40 /hr
  • Mascot
4 1 Verification Hired x 4
Loving and fun nanny with 5+ years experience
| I am a loving and patient person with 4+years experience working as a nanny with kids between the ages of 3 months and 12 years old. I love spending time with kids, specially the little ones and doing outdoor activities, going for long walks and playing in the park. I was an Aupair in the US taking care of 4 kids between 4 months old and 6 years old and continued working as a nanny on the following years there. I worked long term for 3 families so I have references and can answer any questions you might have.
Gabi looked after my 11 month old 2 days per week for just under 3 months. She had a nice manner with the kids, was reliable and good at communicating. She quit to focus on her social media influencing business and only gave us 1 week notice. Overall a reasonably good experience but we would have preferred her to be more upfront about her side business in the interview process and to give us more notice (the understanding when we hired her was that this would be a long-term appointment)."
... "more
Reviewed by Naomi A.
Did you know...
The average hourly rate for babysitters in Botany Bay is between $26 and $33
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Babysitters in Botany Bay

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