Babysitters in Leichhardt

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Sarah M.
  • From $40 /hr
  • Leichhardt
1 1 Verification
Experienced babysitter (& nursing student)
| Hi! My name is Sarah and I am studying nursing. I am 27 years old and have been babysitting and nannying since I was a teenager. I would love to work in paediatrics one day as a nurse.
Sarah is an amazing babysitter! She looked after our 7month old on a Friday and Saturday afternoon and evening so my partner and I could attend my sister’s wedding in Sydney. Sarah has lot of experience with babies and kids and we felt comfortable and confident that our little boy was in good hands while we were away. Recommend Sarah and if we travel from Brisbane to Sydney again for future kid-free events, we would get her to babysit him again. Thank so much Sarah"
... "more
Reviewed by Heidi Y.
Did you know...
The average hourly rate for babysitters in Leichhardt is between $26 and $33
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Babysitters in Leichhardt

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