Babysitters in Ballarat

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Did you know...
The average hourly rate for babysitters in Ballarat is between $23 and $29
Sarah A.
  • From $20 /hr
  • Ballarat
1 Hired Once
Hi my name is Sarah, I am 22 years of age.
| I have been in Ballarat for a few months and I am currently studying to become a librarian through Swinburne online. I have worked with kids from 6months to the age of 12. I have done babysitting jobs for over six years. I have a working with children check and a police check. I have my own transport.
Sarah has worked for me a couple of times now and I have future bookings with her. She is punctual, contactable and communicates well. Sarah is confident and good with the children, she uses initiative which I have not found with other carers."
... "more
Reviewed by Kelly C.
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Babysitters in Ballarat

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