Chabot College

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Caregivers attending Chabot

Anne N.'s Photo

Anne N.|Tracy, CA

$10-20/hr 4 yrs exp 61 yrs old

Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA), Paraprofessional (Teacher's Aide)

I worked with typical learning children in Kenya K-8. I also have worked as a children department leader in my church. I have worked as a Certified Nursing Assistant in various skilled nursing facilities and Hayward Unified school district with special needs children as a paraprofessional or teacher aide for more than four years. I am passionate about what I do because naturally I love to help people who are in need. It makes me happy and accomplished. I ask myself if I cannot do it who will? I also listen when people say I cannot handle children, old or sick people and this gives me motivation because I then feel it is there for me. I also was born and brought up in a christian way and I learnt on how to be humble from my childhood. I am not saying that I do not go wrong because I am human of course. I mean it is easy for me to realize my mistake and ask for forgiveness. This is what I believe should be done by any typical human beings even though nature and nurture do not usually agree. Therefore given this job I promise to chose to do whatever is required of me and be willing to learn new skills to better my services. I will also be willing to ask for assistance whenever I am not sure of the next step. I will be cooperative at whatever cost and be free to share my concerns in case I feel I cannot take it any more. I feel I have given all the relevant information required for this position.
Background Check
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Displayed caregivers have had active profiles within the last 60 months but may not have current active accounts or background checks. Results are illustrative only and may not reflect current availability. members have access to active, background checked providers.