My Groups@Care > Long Island Families > Discussions > Child Care Center near West Babylon, NY
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Child Care Center near West Babylon, NY
By Amanda B. on Sun Sep 23, 2012 at 9:34 PM EDT
Hello everyone,
I am looking for a part-time daycare center that would take my 9 month old son. I have looked every where, the problem is that I work at a gymnastics center and my hours are from after 3pm till 8pm. No place I have looked is open that late. Does anyone know of a place that is open that late?
Thank you,
By Danny P. on Wed Sep 26, 2012 at 11:39 AM EDT
hello amanda,
I'm I'm disabled with Cerebral Palsy in a wheelchair I've tries on online for families for meand nothing I'm three my iq is Bergen \baby I will bring you giving LOVE & h~joyful I will joining my baby Brother Day Cared,, moved over get me in nj
