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What can we help you find? Stands with Dreamers

Like so many of you, I am deeply concerned with the decision to end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program. Stands with Dreamers

As the daughter of immigrants and the first generation in my family to settle permanently here in the United States, this is personal for me. My family first came to the United States from the Philippines when I was a young child. Although I’ve never been in their position of such uncertainty, I see myself in the stories of Dreamers, who were brought to the United States by parents who were seeking a better, sometimes safer life for their families. I could have been them; they should have the opportunities I have been afforded.

The DACA program has allowed 800,000 people who first came to America as children to build their lives and contribute to our communities without fear of being deported to countries that many of them don’t even remember. Today, the fates and futures of 800,000 people who first came to America as children are in doubt as the result of and without a resolution to the President’s decision.

America prides itself on being a land of opportunity. DACA recipients believed in that promise enough to register with the government and submit to background checks; they’re pursuing education, working jobs at some of our most powerful Fortune 500 companies and, undeniably, making positive contributions to our economy. The Center for American Progress estimates ending DACA would remove roughly 685,000 workers and result in a loss of $460.3 billion to the national GDP over the next decade.

It’s not just personal, either. is based on the belief that there is nothing more powerful than the bond of family. We believe strongly in the power of diversity and promise of economic opportunity. As parents and caregivers, we share common hopes and dreams for all of our children, regardless of race, background or circumstance. As a tech company that would not exist if not for immigration policy that allowed – and allows – the most talented people in the world to come to the United States, we believe the ability to attract and retain passionate, driven young people from around the world is a competitive advantage for our companies and our country.

As a company, is about promoting economic opportunity, especially among women. Our mission is to help caregivers find meaningful work, and help families get the care they need to get to work. Access to reliable, affordable care is one of the single most important drivers of female labor force participation. We believe our platform can serve as an on-ramp to the economy for caregivers and families. Similarly, DACA has served as an on-ramp to the economy for 800,000 Dreamers.

Turning our backs on these Dreamers is against our values as a company—and our values as a country. Congress now has an opportunity – and an obligation – to put partisanship aside and finally give Dreamers the pathway to citizenship they deserve. By codifying DACA into American law and culture, our elected leaders can speak with one voice that families will recognize: A voice of compassion and respect.