5 Health Tips for Seniors That Matter Most, According to Experts

5 Health Tips for Seniors That Matter Most, According to Experts

When it comes to aging, there’s a pervasive narrative that paints seniors as on a steady decline—that their best years are behind them, and the road ahead will be littered with health complications. But that showcases a very, very narrow point of view. In fact, older age can bring some of the most fulfilling, thriving years of a person’s life—so long as that person has prioritized a few aspects of their health, experts say. 

Dr. Ronna New, a geriatrician with Holston Medical Group, notes that there are some conditions that can be considered “normal aging”—say, changes in vision or hearing—but there are plenty of health complications that can be reduced, or avoided entirely. “For example, falls are a big risk, but staying physically active helps to keep us strong as we age and also decreases the risk of falling,” she points out. “Memory loss is more likely to occur as we age. However, staying active with our minds by reading and learning new things helps, as does staying socially active and engaged with others.” Here, New and other experts share the top steps that caregivers can take to help seniors prolong good health (and prevent complications) throughout the years.

“Staying active with our minds by reading and learning new things helps, as does staying socially active and engaged with others.


1. Keep in close contact with their primary care physician 

Studies have shown that having a primary care physician can drastically improve health outlook for seniors…

To read the full article, please click here: https://www.care.com/c/health-tips-for-seniors/ 

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