Part Time
$22 – 25/hr
Clarendon Hills, IL
Looking for After-School Sitter and House Helper in Clarendon Hills for our family of five (kids are 12, 9, 6). Guaranteed 25 hours per week, Mon - Fri about 12-5:30 p.m. Pay will start at $22+/hour based on experience. Sick days and vacation time included.
General responsibilities:
12 - 3 p.m.
Family laundry, dinner prep (mom will have meal plan), grocery shopping, general tidying up of main floor, postal/UPS returns, as needed.
**We have a regular cleaning service so does not include deep cleaning the house.
3 - 5:30 p.m.
Greet kids when they come home from school (no need to pick up regularly bc they bus), feed snacks, get them ready for sports/activities, supervise play dates.
*For days off school, request the entire day, 8-5:30 p.m. (about 10 days/year). For summer, open to flexible arrangements incl time off.