Full Time
$14 – 25/hr
San Antonio, TX
I have a brilliant and bright little boy who is 2 years old. He's well behaved but always on the move. He needs a caregiver that can be attentive, and keep up with his high energy personality. The only meals that I ask to be given to him is lunch and a snack as all the other meals will be covered by us. He loves puzzles and books, cars, and his shows (Ms. Rachel, Sesame St., etc) Since it will only be three days of the week, I'm not expecting him to be taken out of the house unless of course an emergency. The time period I will likely need a sitter will be from 10am- 5:40 p.m. He eats lunch at 2 p.m. And has a nap at about 2:45 and cannot nap for more than two hours. We do have two pets (dog and a cat) but not much is required for them as they will already be taken care of, I just ask that they are watched closely around my son.