Butter and Zeus Dog Walking Service
86 Bradhurst Ave #4N
New York,
86 Bradhurst Ave #4N,
New York,
Butter and Zeus Dog Walking Service
86 Bradhurst Ave #4N
New York,
86 Bradhurst Ave #4N
New York,
At Care.com, we realize that cost of care is a big consideration for families. That's why we are offering an estimate which is based on an average of known rates charged by similar businesses in the area. For actual rates, contact the business directly.
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About the business
My name is Susan and I am originally a native Californian. I grew up in Pittsburg, CA but also lived briefly in Los Angeles while I attended UCLA. Four years ago, I moved to New York City to work as a middle school math teacher and for a while, it was a rewarding experience. However, since I've had my dog Butter, I became a true dog lover. I have really enjoyed taking Butter for walks (even through the snow), spending time at dog runs, and playing in the park. Now, I want to take that same passion and make it my professional career.
Butter and I have been together for over two years now, and last year we welcomed another pet into our household, a cat named Zeus. Although I don't take cats like Zeus for walks, Zeus has taught me that although animals are different, they all want the same things: food, sleep, and lots of personal attention.
If I am chosen as your dog walker, I will make it my commitment to treat your dog just as I would my own. Your dog will be given personal attention by me and no one else. This is not another dog walking business with walkers taking on six dogs at a time. Walks will be done by only me. At most, your dog will be walked with one other dog or alone. I am bonded and insured through Pet Sitters Associates LLC.
Butter and I have been together for over two years now, and last year we welcomed another pet into our household, a cat named Zeus. Although I don't take cats like Zeus for walks, Zeus has taught me that although animals are different, they all want the same things: food, sleep, and lots of personal attention.
If I am chosen as your dog walker, I will make it my commitment to treat your dog just as I would my own. Your dog will be given personal attention by me and no one else. This is not another dog walking business with walkers taking on six dogs at a time. Walks will be done by only me. At most, your dog will be walked with one other dog or alone. I am bonded and insured through Pet Sitters Associates LLC.
In business since: 2010
Total Employees: 1
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Program Details
Pet sitting/Walking
Service details
Daily feeding
Care for
Cost & Availability
Services | Rate | Rate Type | Availability |
-- | -- | -- | -- |
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