2 Peas In A Pod Pet Care
2 Peas In A Pod Pet Care
1101 Maycroft Rd
1101 Maycroft Rd
At Care.com, we realize that cost of care is a big consideration for families. That's why we are offering an estimate which is based on an average of known rates charged by similar businesses in the area. For actual rates, contact the business directly.
Details and information displayed here were provided by this business and may not reflect its current status. We strongly encourage you to perform your own research when selecting a care provider.
About the business
Overnight Boarding $35
(Multiple Dog Discounts)
Up to 12 hours daycare $30
Up to 6 hours daycare $25
Pick up and drop off service additional $10
We offer a $3 discount per night when booking 6 nights or more and another $3 discount if booking exceeds 12 nights or more.
Dog walking:
$18 up to 20 minute walk
$23 up to 30 minute walk
$28 up to 40 minute walk
$33 up to 50 minute walk
$38 up to 60 minute walk
Drop in visits (You're Home) $20/Visit $5 per additional dog or cat
Dog Baths
$34 50 lbs or less
$39 51 lbs or more
Distance expenses: (We offer transportation)
(Transportation for bathing as well as boarding and daycare available)
15 miles or more $8 each way
25 miles or more $12 each way
35 miles or more $17 each way
45 miles or more $22 each way
55 miles or more $28 each way
We service Entire Lower Peninsula of Michigan
$3 fee when using online pay service, we are no longer taking payment through PayPal
Also, as of April 2022 we are now implementing that all drop offs and pick ups upon arrival to our location please park in the road in front of our mailbox and messages that you have arrived and stay in your vehicle and I will come out to you with a leash both for pick up and drop off. Please do not approach the home under any circumstance this will only get the dogs in the house to be Excited and or Create stress and anxiety for the dogs currently in our care.
(Multiple Dog Discounts)
Up to 12 hours daycare $30
Up to 6 hours daycare $25
Pick up and drop off service additional $10
We offer a $3 discount per night when booking 6 nights or more and another $3 discount if booking exceeds 12 nights or more.
Dog walking:
$18 up to 20 minute walk
$23 up to 30 minute walk
$28 up to 40 minute walk
$33 up to 50 minute walk
$38 up to 60 minute walk
Drop in visits (You're Home) $20/Visit $5 per additional dog or cat
Dog Baths
$34 50 lbs or less
$39 51 lbs or more
Distance expenses: (We offer transportation)
(Transportation for bathing as well as boarding and daycare available)
15 miles or more $8 each way
25 miles or more $12 each way
35 miles or more $17 each way
45 miles or more $22 each way
55 miles or more $28 each way
We service Entire Lower Peninsula of Michigan
$3 fee when using online pay service, we are no longer taking payment through PayPal
Also, as of April 2022 we are now implementing that all drop offs and pick ups upon arrival to our location please park in the road in front of our mailbox and messages that you have arrived and stay in your vehicle and I will come out to you with a leash both for pick up and drop off. Please do not approach the home under any circumstance this will only get the dogs in the house to be Excited and or Create stress and anxiety for the dogs currently in our care.
In business since: 2005
Total Employees: 2-10
Care.com has not verified this business license.
We strongly encourage you to contact this provider directly or
state licensing department
to verify their license, qualifications, and credentials.
The Care.com Safety Center
has many resources and tools to assist you in verifying and evaluating
potential care providers.
Program Details
Pet Care General
Cost & Availability
Services | Rate | Rate Type | Availability |
-- | -- | -- | -- |
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