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Vincenzo C.
Boden Norrbotten, 961 35
Från 200kr SEK /timme
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Från 200kr SEK

Om Vincenzo

30 år
Hey Guys, Vincenzo here. I have raised and taken care dogs my entire life. I raised a Great Dane in Colombia and two Boston Terriers and a Rat Terrier in South Florida. So you see I love them in all sizes! I am a serious dog loving guy who will make sure your pet recieves all the love in the world while you are away. From dog walking to dog sitting I will do what you ask to make sure that your pup is comfortable and so that he ends up liking me more than he likes you HA! I live in a clean beautiful apartment where he is welcome to roam all over the place and even sleep on the bed if he pleases. He will be walked as much as you want him to be walked and fed as much as you tell me to. I can take him on excursions if you please, but all in all I will make sure he is safe and happy for as long as you are away!

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Pris per session

Daglig matning 200 SEK / besök
Dagliga promenader 200 SEK / promenad
Vaktande med övernattning 300 SEK / natt
Hunddagis 250 SEK / dag