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Martin P.
Stockholm Stockholm, 113 61
Från 75kr SEK /timme
års erfarenhet
Från 75kr SEK

Om Martin

34 år
Hello, My name is Martin, I am from Uruguay, currently in Sweden with a Residence Visa. I love animals, my mother taught me that way as a child, I lived with dogs and cats all my life, I can remember them all with affection and I have beautiful stories with them. Besides that I was lucky enough to work casually walking dogs and taking care of dogs and cats in these last 6 years. I am patient, calm and empathize with animals. Although I have a very good feeling with dogs and cats, I prefer to have a first contact with them before accepting the job, to be sure that they feel comfortable with me. So you can contact me and I can go to where you need free of charge, for a first contact.
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Yngre husdjur
Små hundar: < 10 kg
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Tjänster och priser

Pris per timme

Djurtransport 100 SEK / timme

Pris per session

Daglig matning 100 SEK / besök
Dagliga promenader 110 SEK / promenad
Vaktande med övernattning 190 SEK / natt