Jamile C.
Helsingborg Skåne, 252 30
Från 75kr SEK
Om Jamile
31 år
I was responsible for taking full care of two family cats for two years. Everyday I fed them, brushed them, cleaned sandboxes and maintained a routine of playing with different kinds of toys to adequately stimulate their hunting instincts. I also administrated medicine on a regular basis, both with pill syringes and only using my hands. As a cat-sitter, I took care of all these tasks for acquaintances' cats when they traveled for a few days or even weeks. So I know how to carefully introduce myself to new cats, as well as how to provide them with the ideal types of interactions they need to cope with their owners' absence. I am also able at identifying whether there might be something wrong with their physical or emotional health. Moreover, I am skilled at keeping tutors' up to date with daily reports, pictures and videos.
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Tjänster och priser
Pris per timme
160 SEK / timme
Pris per session
Daglig matning
160 SEK / besök
Dagliga promenader
215 SEK / promenad
Vaktande med övernattning
300 SEK / natt