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Irem B.
Linköping Östergötland, 584 34
Från 150kr SEK /timme
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Från 150kr SEK

Om Irem

27 år
Since childhood, I have always been surrounded by animals; at home, I care for stray animals and sit for friends' pets. Following that deep connection, I wanted to study more about anşmals, which was the reason that brought me here, Sweden. I just graduated from my master's on Animal Behavior. Since I have much more time right now after graduation, I would be really glad to spend time with your pets and meet their needs when you are working/on vacation or basically anytime you need me. I am currently working part-time, generally Friday and Saturday. But, this can change such as some weeks I am totally free. Also, even if I will be working, my shift starts in the evening, so there is no limitation for me to take care of your kids :)) Since I am living in the student dorms, this may not be enough space to host your pets but I am always willing to take care at your home and take a walk with them.

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Pris per session

Daglig matning 150 SEK / besök
Dagliga promenader 215 SEK / promenad
Vaktande med övernattning 275 SEK / natt
Hunddagis 275 SEK / dag