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Eric v.
Östersund Jämtland, 831 34
Från 75kr SEK /timme
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Från 75kr SEK

Om Eric

23 år
I am a 20 year old guy and have lived in Sweden for a few years, so I understand Swedish very well, however my first language is English. I have lived with dogs of all sizes. Currently studying at Mid Sweden University, I long for opportunities to spend time with animals again through this service. Regarding experience, I have worked as a volunteer at a veterinary on and off for many years, giving me a significant level of experience working with dogs and cats as well as gaining an understanding of behavioral patterns. I am also flexible on special needs that your pet requires. The main reason I have chosen to pursue this is my passion and love for animals as spending time with such lovable animals makes me complete. Your pet will receive the utmost care and attention at all times throughout the service. Your pet will undergo various physical and mental activities regularly as a way of mental stimulation. My experience living and working alongside animals will provide the highest quality service.
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Pris per timme

Pälsskötsel 220 SEK / timme

Pris per session

Daglig matning 100 SEK / besök
Dagliga promenader 130 SEK / promenad
Vaktande med övernattning 220 SEK / natt