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Elena O.
Trollhättan Västra Götaland, 461 51
Från 160kr SEK /timme
Från 160kr SEK

Om Elena

23 år
Hej, I’m Elli (22 years old) and I’ll stay half of a year here in Sweden. As I grew up with animals I have a big heart for them just as the knowledge how to treat them the right way. I would be very glad to gave the possibility to take care of your beloved cat and/or dog. I could feed them, got for kong and adventurous walks or take care of them for the whole day. In addition, I am completely flexible in terms of time.

Har erfarenhet av att ta hand om

Äldre husdjur
Vuxna husdjur
Yngre husdjur
Små hundar: < 10 kg
Visa mer

Tjänster och priser

Pris per session

Daglig matning 160 SEK / besök
Dagliga promenader 215 SEK / promenad
Hunddagis 275 SEK / dag