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Christopher H.
Linköping Östergötland, 589 21
Från 100kr SEK /timme
Från 100kr SEK

Om Christopher

18 år
After owning a dog for almost 10 years and entrusted with so many over the years I see myslef perfectly capable to take care of almost any housepet no matter the challenge. I strive in finding patience with these gentle creatures and showering them with all the love and affection they deserve. I make sure to keep myself fit as to be able take your pets on long walks or on the other hand sit with them at home and offer them the best form of company possible. Kindly read this with an open heart and your pets best interest in mind, in case of my aid dont hesitate to reach out to me as I will try to attend to as many messages or calls as possible. Thannk you very much for your time!

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Yngre husdjur
Små hundar: < 10 kg
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Tjänster och priser

Pris per session

Daglig matning 120 SEK / besök
Dagliga promenader 100 SEK / promenad
Hunddagis 200 SEK / dag