Kaniz Fatema B.
Halmstad Halland, 302 36
Från 125kr SEK
Om Kaniz Fatema
31 år
As I am staying apart from my family, I miss them a lot. I am the eldest child of my parents. When my grandmother was alive, she used to stay with us and I also looked after her. She was the most loving person to me and my relation with her was more like a friend. I miss her a lot. Whenever I see any old woman, I try to find her shadow within her. Even, I miss my grandfather a lot. He used to call me by her sister's name as he thought I was more like her sister. I am naturally a caring and loving person to my family and mostly amongst the kids and old members. So, staying apart from my family, if I get a chance to take care of any older person, I will be happy and at the same time, I can earn my living expenses with pleasure.
Vad jag kan göra
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