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Dorcas A.
Solna Stockholm, 170 70
Från 100kr SEK /timme
Anställd 1 gång
års erfarenhet
Från 100kr SEK

Om Dorcas

34 år
I've had the privilege of working with senior individuals and their families for more than five years. My experiences have shown me the profound importance of creating a supportive and dignified environment for our elderly loved ones. It started with taking care of my late father on his sick bed and I cannot forget the last smile he left me before his demise. Not only do I assist with daily activities, medication handling, and mobility support, but also the emotional well-being of seniors with my knowledge and study of Psychology. I understand the significance of companionship and empathetic listening, especially in combating feelings of isolation and loneliness that can affect the elderly. I am committed to promoting a safe and comfortable living space, which includes creating nutritious meal plans, maintaining a tidy home, and ensuring that any medical needs are promptly addressed. I am dedicated to continually improving my knowledge and skills in elderly care, staying up-to-date with the latest caregiving techniques, and being a dependable source of support for seniors and their families. To me, providing elderly care isn't just a job; it's a privilege and a calling.
Icke-rökare Bekväm med husdjur


baserat på 1 recension
VJ Vadde J.
Recenserades den 02/08/2024
Very good!

Vad jag kan göra

Omsorg i hemmet
Kroppsvård (hjälp med bad, dusch)
Vård hos tjänsteleverantören