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Thato Boineelo Myra K.
Nya Zeeland
Från nullkr SEK /timme

Om Thato Boineelo Myra

24 år Talar Engelska
During my time as a babysitter for the family with three kids and for 4 months, i had a busy schedule working 5 hours daily, totaling 25 hours a week. My responsibilities included a wide range of tasks such as walking the dog, putting the kids to sleep, bathing them, preparing meals, and getting them ready for school. Caring for children of different ages required me to adapt my caregiving approach to meet their individual needs and preferences.In addition to my duties as a babysitter, i likely built strong relationships with the kids and played a significant role in their daily routines and well-being. My ability to multitask, show patience, and maintain a nurturing environment contributed to a positive experience for both me and the children.Transitioning to the second family with two kids (ages 9 and 11) for 6 months, i continued to demonstrate your dedication and childcare skills. Working 5 hours daily and 30 hours per week, i took on responsibilities such as preparing meals, taking the kids to school, accompanying them to activities, changing diapers, and bathing them.
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